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Writer's pictureLugemwa Nicholas

The Law Of Averages In Designing Your Own Economy: Putting The Numbers In Your Favor

Today, I want to educate you about the law of averages in designing your own economy. Contrary to what you might have been taught in the past, designing your own economy is a NUMBERS GAME, initially.

Once you sponsor someone into your company it becomes a people business and relationship business, but you must work through a large pool of people to find quality people to join your team and work with (and build relationships with).

Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you!

Even if you are an excellent recruiter, MOST people will tell you NO.

Like any other selling profession, there is a law of averages in our industry. In other words, if you work through a certain number of people you should expect a certain result.

It will vary from person to person, when you factor in things such as skill-set, mind-set, timing, the company you are promoting, and quality of the prospects, but I’ve found that generally speaking, the numbers are the same for most people.

The law of averages is the idea that something is sure to happen at some time, because of the number of times it generally happens or is expected to happen. On the law of averages we just can’t go on losing. ~ Collins Dictionary

The Law of Averages in Designing Your Own Economy

Here are some averages I have experienced during my own economy designing career.

Everyone’s averages will be different, but this seems to be about the norm for most successful economy designers I have talked with personally.

I strive to be a little bit conservative, so don’t be surprised if your own numbers are a little bit better than this.

  • About one in five people you prospect will agree to watch a complete presentation.

  • About one in every five people who watch a complete presentation will sign up as an economy designer.

  • About one in every five people you sign up as an economy designer. will do ANYTHING at all do build their business; the other four will do NOTHING and quit.

  • About one in every five economy designers who do anything at all will be a rock star.

  • You need about three rock stars in most companies to make a solid six figure income.

Assuming these numbers are true, and I believe they are (individual results will vary), here is what you could expect if you want to design a large and successful economy.

  • Talk to 1,875 people

  • To show 375 presentations

  • To sponsor 75 people

  • To get 15 who do anything at all with the business

  • To find your 3 superstars who are responsible for 90% or more of your income

Putting It in Perspective

This might sound impossible to do, but it’s not, especially if you break it down into bite-sized chunks.

The only thing that matters is the number of people you talk to each day.

For instance, if you prospect just two people a day, you could work through these averages in a little over 2.5 years.

If you talk with five people per day you could work through these averages in just shy of about 1.25 years. If you talk to ten people a day, you could work through these averages in about six months. How awesome is that?

The only question you must ask yourself is “how many conversations with new prospects will I have each day?” Once you pick a number, you must have the discipline to actually do it.

It’s also important to note that most top earners in our industry have sponsored somewhere around 100 to 500 people personally, yet make most of their income from the efforts of just two to three of those people.

While 100 to 500 personally sponsored people sounds like a lot initially, if you sponsored just one person per week, you could knock this out in two to ten years. Not bad considering you are doing the business part-time!

Why People Don’t Join Your Team

There are a variety of reasons why people don’t join your team. First off, not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur.

In fact, most people aren’t. Most people have no desire to start their own business and be their own boss.

In addition, not everyone is open minded to different ways of making money. Most people have been taught to get a job from the time they could walk. So don’t be shocked when people think what you do is crazy.

Other people simply aren’t a good fit for your company or economy. It really has nothing to do with you. Each person you talk to is different. Accept it. Embrace it. Look for people who are looking.

Don’t take the No’s you get personally. Just work through the numbers and let the law of averages in designing your own economy work itself out.

How to Improve Your Averages

There are only two ways to improve your averages as I see it. The first thing you can do is improve your skills.

Become a student of your business and make a decision to become an economy designer

Learn everything you can about the industry so you can offer value. Remember that people don’t join businesses, they join people.

The second thing you can do to improve the law of averages in designing your own economy, is talk to better qualified prospects.

Identify a specific target market and focus most of your marketing and recruiting efforts on people in that target market. If it were me,

I focus my efforts 100% on people with Economy Designing experience and people who are entrepreneurial minded.

Comparing Economy Designing to Baseball

I like baseball. How about you? Here’s something you should know.

When you look across the major leagues, only a select group of players consistently bat above .300.

This group of players is paid MILLIONS of dollars each year because they are the best of the best. Yet, they fail 7 out of 10 times.

Out of 1,000 at bats, they only get around 300 hits. The fail 70% of the time and still make millions of dollars.

Even more significant, the average player’s batting average in baseball is about .250. That means for every thousand at bats, they get 250 hits and fail 750 times.

When you compare the highest paid players in baseball, with the average players, there isn’t much of a difference. They get just 50 more hits out of the average 1,000 at bats than the average player, but they earn millions more. Wow!

There are some important takeaways from these numbers for Economy Designers.

First off, you don’t need to bat .300 in designing your economy to make good money.

Even if you can learn to sign up just 1 in 10 people you talk with, you can build a fortune.

How, by working the numbers and putting the law of averages in designing your own economy in your favor.

Secondly, if you can get just a “little bit better” than the average Economy Designer Rep, which won’t take much, you can quickly differentiate yourself and earn considerably more.

How do you that? By improving you skills, your experience, your attitude, mindset, and the quality of prospects you talk with. Food for thought.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, these are my thoughts on the law of averages in designing your own economy.

When you work the numbers, everything else falls into place. You can’t control who gets in and who doesn’t get in the business, and you can’t control who gets in and does the work and who doesn’t, but you can work through the numbers and let the law of averages take its course.

I would love to hear what you think about the law of averages in designing your own economy. Do you think the numbers I shared are realistic and accurate, or do you think I am way off?

Leave a comment below to let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day.

The law of averages is not a mathematical principle, whereas the law of large numbers is. … According to the law, the average of the results obtained from a large number of trials should be close to the expected value, and will tend to become closer as more trials are performed. ~ Bartley Law Office

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